Blackwater Valley, Ireland

Basic List of all Ecclesiastical Sites

Site Name Description
Ardnageehy (old) Papal Taxation 1291
Atha Cross Saint Maloga
Ballydeloughy Papal Taxation 1291
Ballyhooly Rebellion of 1641
Ballyhooly Conva Medieval
Ballynoe Papal Taxation 1291, Knight's Hospitalers , Knight's Templar
Ballynoe Corrin Medieval
Baunnanooneeny Saint Maloga
Boherash Medieval
Brigown Saint Finn Chu or Fanahan
Britway Papal Taxation 1291, Medieval
Carrigdownane Medieval
Castlelyons Abbey Papal Taxation 1351
Ceall Danain
Christchurch Munster Plantation
Cill Cromglaisi Saint Finn Chu or Fanahan
Clondulane Medieval
Coole Saint Abban
Coole Abbey Medieval, Knight's Templar, Knight's Hospitalers (Unconfirmed)
Curraglass Penal Laws 1778
Derryvillane Medieval , Papal Taxation 1291
Dunbulloge Munster Plantation
Dunmahon Penal Laws
Dysert Medieval
Farahy Penal Laws
Fermoy Abbey Fermoy Abbey Founded in 1114 by Cistercian Monks, it was called Castrum Dei de Maria, Mary of the Stronghold of God. The abbey was cruciform in shape. The site of the actual building ran east west from, what is now Abbey Lane to Waterloo Lane. It was bounded on the north by the river Blackwater and on the south by what is now McCurtain Street. The grave yard was in the area now bounded by the block on the north east by Hanley's Newsagents and the south west by Charlie's Bar. Fermoy's weir was not these at the time so the level of the Blackwater was much lower that what is is now. There was ford across the river at a point were the lane runs from Grange to the a point across the Blackwater at the island at the end or Barnane. There was a weir west of this ford which catered for a mill race between the island and Barnane. The monks farmed their lands is what is now Grange and also around the monestary, It is believed that their lands consisted of about 1,100 acres.
Glanworth Medieval
Gortroe Medieval
Kilcoghlan Penal Laws
Kilcrumper Saint Abban
Kildorrery Papal Taxation 1291
Kildrum Saint Abban
Kilgullane Medieval
Kill St. Anne Medieval
Killacluig Saint Maloga
Killally Medieval
Killamurren Medieval
Killaspugmullane Munster Plantation
Killathy Papal Taxation 1291
Killeenemer Medieval
Killshanahan Abbey Medieval
Kilmaculla Saint Maloga
Kilquane Papal Taxation 1291
Kilworth Medieval
Kingston College Penal Laws
Knockmourne Abbey Papal Taxation 1291, Knight's Hospitalers, Knight's Templar
Knockmourne Curaheen
Labbamologga Saint Maloga
Leitrim Papal Taxation 1291
Litter Castlehyde Medieval
Macroney Medieval
Marshalstown Papal Taxation 1291
Mogeely Knight's Templar , Knight's Hospitalers
Mourneabbey Mourneabbey was built in the early 1200s by the Knights Hospitaller. This abbey now lies in ruins as does Barrett‘s Castle, which belonged to the Desmond FitzGeralds before being destroyed by Cromwell‘s forces, ca. 1651. 
Nathlash Munster Plantation
Rathcormack Penal Laws
St. George Mitchelstorn Rebellion of 1641
St. Peter Ballinterry Rebellion of 1641
Templemichael Papal Taxation 1291
Templevalley Knight's Templar, Knight's Hospitalers
Watergrasshill Rebellion of 1641
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